
Pagaliluan of Arts and Letters undergoes language immersion program in Spain

Asst. Prof. Abigail T. Pagalilauan, a Spanish language professor from the Department of Foreign Languages under the Faculty of Arts and Letters received a grant from La Junta de Castilla L茅on Spanish Government where for two weeks she was on a language immersion program participated in by  Professors of Spanish Language from around the world.  

Among the 100 applicants only six were chosen which included professors were from Scotland, Italy, Greece and the Philippines, represented by Pagalilauan. They had 40 hours of training for 2 weeks and the grade they earned can be credited as six units under the Ph.D. program at the Universidad de Salamanca and Universidad Pontifica de Salamanca in Spain. Pagalilauan obtained a grade of sobresaliente in three graded tasks: writing, speaking and teaching demonstration. Aside from the two weeks of study program, cultural trips to Castilla Leon were included allowing the participants to visit the old town of Alberca, Pe帽a de Francia, and a visit of the Bodega de Vinos in Valladolid.

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