
TIANGCO, Cristina E.

TIANGCO, Cristina E.

Dr. Cristina E. Tiangco received her B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering and M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Chemistry degrees in the University of Santo Tomas in 2002, 2008 and 2017, respectively. She was a scholar of the STRIDE program of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) where she did her dissertation research in the University of Maryland Baltimore County, MD, USA. Dr. Tiangco is also a resident researcher under the Chemical Sensors and Biosensors group at the UST Research Center for Natural and Applied Sciences. Her research interest is on the development of chemical sensors and biosensors for food, biomedical and environmental applications. She is a licensed chemical engineer registered by the Professional Regulations Commission in the Philippines and currently the 1st Vice-President of the Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers – Metro Manila Academe Chapter (PIChE-MMAC).


Academic Qualifications

Research Highlights

Research Interests

Academic Qualifications


  • Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry,91Ϣ – Manila, Philippines, 2017
  • Sandwich Program,University of Maryland Baltimore County – MD, USA, 2015-2016
  • Master of Science in Chemistry,91Ϣ – Manila, Philippines, 2008
  • Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering,91Ϣ – Manila, Philippines, 2002

Research Highlights

  • Transdermal Glucose Measurement by Passive Diffusion based on Fluorophore-labeled Bioengineered Glucose Binding Protein
  • Development of fiber optic biosensor for Transdermal Glucose based on immobilized glucose binding protein

Research Interests

  • Chemical sensors and Biosensors
  • Development of smart pH indicative films
  • Noninvasive glucose sensing system

Courses Handled

Major Recognitions

Professional Activities

Courses Handled

  • Physical Chemistry for Engineers
  • Analytical Chemistry (Lecture and Laboratory)
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Chemical Engineering Calculations
  • Chemical Process Industries
  • Chemistry Applications in Engineering

Major Recognitions

  • Advanced Research Scholar, USAID-STRIDE PhD Dissertation Research “Sandwich” Scholarship (February 2015 – February 2016)
  • Best Published Paper – 91Ϣ Graduate School, Class of 2017

Professional Activities

  • Chair, Department of Chemical Engineering– 91Ϣ (2020-present)
  • Membership Committee Chair, NRCP Division X – Chemical Sciences – National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP) (2020-2022)
  • Associate Member– National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP)
  • First Vice President– Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers (Metro Manila Academe Chapter)

Selected Publications

Selected Publications

  • L.D. Lapitan, C.E. Tiangco, D.G. Sumalinog, N.S. Sabarillo, & J.M. Diaz. (2021) “An effective blended online teaching and learning strategy during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Education for Chemical Engineers, 35, 116-131.
  • Landrito, Q.C., Menor, G.K.R., Sevilla III, F., Tolosa, L.,Tiangco, C.(2019). “Development of noninvasive method of measuring copper and zinc by passive diffusion: AnIn VitroModel”,MATEC Web of Conferences268, 01008(Indexed by Scopus)
  • Tiangco, C., Andar, A., Sevilla III, F., Rao, G., Tolosa, L. (2018). “Transdermal Glucose monitoring using Glucose Binding Protein-Based Fiber Optic Biosensor coupled with Microneedles”,Sensors and Transducers, Vol. 28 Special Issue pp. 2-6
  • Tiangco, C., Fon, D., Sardesai, N., Kostov, Y., Sevilla III, F., Rao, G., Tolosa, L. (2017). “Fiber optic biosensor for transdermal glucose based on the immobilized glucose binding protein”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 242 569-576
  • Tiangco, C., Andar, A., Quarterman, J., Ge, X., Sevilla III, F., Rao, G., Stinchcomb, A., Bunge, A., Tolosa, L., (2017). “Measuring transdermal glucose level in neonates by passive diffusion: An in vitro porcine skin model”, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 409 (13) 3475-3482 DOI 10.1007/s00216-017-0289-7
  • Tiangco, C., Brown, S., Sevilla III, F., Rao, G., Tolosa, L. (2016). “Fluorophore-labeled Bioengineered GBP for measurement of transdermal glucose”, Acta Manilana, 64 25-32