
Thai PT students attend Jan-Feb global internship experience at CRS

Four students in their fourth year under the Physical Therapy program of the St. Louis College, Thailand, accompanied by a faculty member, attended the global internship experience at the UST College of Rehabilitation
Sciences from January 10 to February 1, 2018.

The group, composed of Asst. Prof. Sarayoot Mongkol, and students Ms. Atitiya Raethai, Ms. Ansaya Rittirong, Ms. Orranee Panoom, and Mr. Nitipat Pirayanon, observed the similarities and differences of physical therapy practices in the Philippines and Thailand, which include clinical, sports,
pediatric, and community settings.

The students were expected to have gained insights that will benefit physical therapy education and practice in Thailand and in the Philippines.

Asst. Prof. Mongkol delivered a lectured on neurologic evaluation for the fourth year collaborating with clinical staff, interns, and UST students. Learning activities took place in the different CRS affiliation centers and in the actual classes in the University.

One activity was a special lecture facilitated by Assoc. Prof. Valentin Dones III, where he discussed and demonstrated Biomechanical taping, an innovative technique developed by experts to promote pain relief and improve movement. Other activities included observing and practicing in UST’s sports facilities, in Abucay, Bataan which is a partner community of
CRS, and other affiliated clinics and hospitals.

The Thai students’ participation in the almost month-long learning activities in UST was part of the SLCUST global internship experience in line with the University’s thrust for internationalization, which aims to
enrich partnerships that enhance and develop student mobility,
research collaborations, and other academic activities.

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