
Tingting Cojuangco is inaugural speaker of Florentino Hornedo Memoral Lecture

Last November 12, 2016 (Saturday), Ms. Margarita “Tingting” Cojuangco, PhD, a History alumna of the Graduate School and a recipient of The Outstanding Thomasian ALumni (TOTAL) Award in 2014, delivered the inaugural lecture of the Florentino H. Hornedo Memorial Lecture series, in honor of her late dissertation adviser.

The lecture focused on Cojuangco’s voyages to Balangingi Islands in the Sulu archipelago and the story of its first inhabitants, the Samals. The study uncovered the exile of the Samal Balangingis to Cagayan Valley in Isabela province and many others, providing the present generation with chances to discover parts of the country’s pre-colonial and Spanish colonial history.

The lecture coincided with the opening of a exhibit in Hornedo’s honor. The exhibit was mounted at the lobby of the Thomas Aquinas Research Complex.

#LecturesAtUST #FlorentinoHornedo #ThomasianHistorians #ThomasianGraduates

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